How can you help?
Generosity is at the heart of our faith.
We believe in a generous God who gave us the world and sustains it, and who, out of his love for us, also gave his son Jesus to us. When we respond generously, it is a testament and hallmark of our faith in action.
The ministry and mission of St. Peter’s Church is funded through the incredible generosity of those who give to it. There is no funding for parishes from the Church of England’s central funds.
Your local church relies entirely on the giving of local people to manage and sustain its ministry and mission.
How you can help – when did you last review your giving?
- Are you an occasional donor? Could you set up regular giving to help St Peter’s?
You can set up a standing order using the account details
St Peter’s Church, Sort Code: 60-19-02 Account: 25808966 - If you already give regularly to St Peter’s, could you give more to support the church and its activities? Did you know registering for gift aid will enable us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate to St Peter’s, if you are a UK tax payer?
To set it up, email the treasurer for a gift aid - Have you considered supporting St Peter’s in the future with a legacy in your will?
We know not everyone will be able to give financially
- could you give your time and skills to help St Peter’s?
- Making refreshments
- Prayer
- Welcoming
- AV or tech skills
- Delivering round the village
- Tidying the churchyard
- Supporting community groups and events
- Music: choir, bell-ringing,
- Leadership
- Green team
- Parish Magazine team
- social media team
- and more, what could you offer?
If you’d like to give time or skills, email: